Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Happy Second Tuesday of February

Yes, it's Valentine's Day again. Time for candy, flowers and cards. Time for romantic dinners that may or may not go over well. Time for a quiet evening with a loved one. Time for anything that would make that person you are with fall in love with you all over again.

Or, if you are single, it is a time for wearing anything BUT red. Time to looking longingly at the flowers that your friend's husband sent her. Time to listen to your coworkers talk about the dinner reservations that they have, all the while, wishing deafness upon yourself. Time to figure out what in the hell you are going to do with yourself on what is supposed to be the most romantic night of the year. Yeah, if you are single, Valentine's Day SUCKS. It really is just a stupid, stupid day that reminds you how bad it can suck at times to be single. Sure, there are 364 more days in the year that are there to remind you of all the upsides of being single, but being single on V-Day really bites the big one.

Let me tell you about dinner I had on Monday. The whole family (13 of us) all went to Chili's for my mother's birthday. Chili's to us is exciting....I know, we suck here in Fairbanks....we've only had Chili's for about 3 months. Actually, since November, we've been rockin'.....we've gotten Sportsman's Warehouse, Old Navy, Famous Footwear and are expecting Barnes and Noble soon. Ok, back to we're sitting there and my mom says to me "You're coming out to dinner tomorrow, right?"

I wasn't really sure why she was expecting me for dinner, I don't usually go to her house on a Tuesday for dinner, but she apparently had made some sort of important plans for me. So I asked her, "Well, what's the occasion?"

And you've got to love my mother, she is more blunt than I am a lot of the time. She looks at me and says "Well, it's Valentine's Day, you don't have any plans, do you?"


Sure don't.

Notta one.

Thanks, mom.

So, I let my mom make me a fabulous dinner of steak, shrimp, lobster, asparagus and seasoned fries. YUMMY!!!!!

So, yet another Valentine's Day has passed. I did score a few little chocolates at work, so the day wasn't a total loss. It was, all in all, a pretty typical day. So, I bid you farewell this evening and hope you had a Happy Second Tuesday of February!


Blogger karla said...

Dude, I would totally have skipped my VD plans for that dinner your mom cooked. Next year, I'm there.

7:36 PM  
Blogger Kayla said...

I spent VD with two girlfriends. We bought flowers, candy, and cooked a great meal...steak, baked potatoes, fresh green beans, cherry tarts and angel food cake.
We even cranked up the stereo and danced on the deck. The neighbors must have thought we were insane!

12:57 PM  
Blogger PackerPundit said...

wait an effin minute... you're from alabama but now you're in alaska???

what were you think/drink ing girlfriend???

7:15 PM  
Blogger Kayla said...

Hey Shea! What are you up to, girl?
I got my email fixed:
I don't know if you are a fan of UAB basketball, but I am! They just had their first playoff game against SMU and won by 14 points.
Go Blazers! They'll play again tomorrow.
Otherwise, Bama is cool..not alot going on.

1:38 PM  

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