Sunday, November 06, 2005

Pearls from Daddy (Part 1)

Now, I like jewelry as much as the next girl, but in this entry I am talking about pearls of wisdom, not the pretty spherical thingys that come out of oysters and make nice ear ornaments. My father (who is an extremely intelligent man) tends to like to give me advice just like everyone else's parents give to them. My dad's advice that is handed to me from time to time can be a little on the.......shall I say questionable side?
Anyway, let me introduce you to my dad.......

Pretty good looking guy, huh? Anyway, my dad just retired from being a pilot. He got to travel all over the world to places that I can only hope to go to someday and places that I quite frankly didn't even know existed. Here's where his advice on how I should live my grown-up life comes into play.

So, one night, while I was visiting him at his house in Anchorage, we get back from dinner at Gallo's, where I'm sure he had a few beers and/or margaritas and I'm also sure he probably hit on a few women (gotta give Pop his props....he can pick up very cute girls not much older than me.....). So we are sitting at his place and he tells me that once I graduate from college that this is what I should do with my life.......are you ready for this? Really? What do you suppose he is going to say? What would most dads say - maybe find a nice guy, settle down, get a nice house and have some babies? Or maybe jump right into the grueling work world so I can start pushing my way to the top? Those morsels of advice sound like something a dad would say, right?

Not my dad. Nope. Here's what he said to me (and I quote). "Shea, when you graduate college, I want you to become a flight attendant, fly all around the world and sleep with as many people as you can."


I'm sorry.....what?

Come again?

Did he just say what I think he said?

Yep.....he did say those very words. I'm sure that I gave him a "Are you freaking kidding me?" kind of looks, but I don't think he noticed. I then asked if he'd heard of this bad little disease that was making quite an impact on the world......maybe you all have heard of's called AIDS!!!!! I think he ignored that and continued on to repeat himself, as though I needed to hear it again.

I dismissed it that night, thinking maybe he had just had a little too much to drink and mistakenly thought he was talking to his co-pilot and not his 19 year old daughter, but NO....he has given me that exact same advice at least 2 or 3 more times. I think he was being serious.

Well, long story short, I did not follow this particularly shady advice. Now, 9 years later, I'm thinking that maybe it would have been a blast to do the whole flight attendant and travel thing. I'm just glad I didn't heed the do everyone thing!

Stay tuned for more of my dad's advice.......


Blogger Arctic Skipper said...

Thanks, Shea, thanks for being selfish! Do you realize how much fun we just missed out on???! My aunt is a flight attendant with AK Air, and her husband gets to fly all over the place with her. They take romantic vacations to Palm Springs and Cabo all the time! I could have been your official carry-on handler and tagged along to all the warm locals you were flown to! I missed out on all those cabana boys and tropical drinks because you were thinking only of yourself. Next time, put my wants and feelings before your own selfish needs.

Oh, we need to remember to keep your dad away from my mom. He's hot, and she'll totally fall for him! :P

2:02 PM  
Blogger karla said...

Your dad is awesome! I mean, thank God you're smart enough not to take his advice...but still! He's so funny! Just to see what his reaction is, you should sit down with him someday and tell him you started taking his advice a few years back, and so far you've slept with 291 people, and that when you hit the 300 mark, you want to go out to dinner with him to celebrate. Just see what he does.

8:27 PM  

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