Monday, November 21, 2005

Saying Goodbye.....Again

My friend Caitlin left Fairbanks bright and early on Saturday morning. I say bright and early, but for a normal person who didn't stay up partying until daylight, it was 11:30 and damn near lunch time ~ but the term 'normal' does not apply to us. She was originally supposed to leave in September and we had a much bigger going away fanfare for her then. She decided the next day to stay in town and keep working until closer to Thanksgiving, then go home to spend time with her folks. Guess we shouldn't have shown her such a good time.

The first time she got the going away party, there were many more people and a LOT more alcohol involved. For example, let me paint you a little picture about our time getting ready to go out. I volunteered to be the DD that night and went over to the girl's apartment to get ready. I began to set up the curling iron, etc. and Caitlin decides that she is going to go and make "warm up" drinks. I say warm up because these are the drinks that we are going to have to prepare us for going to the bar. I'm putting on my makeup, thinking that she is going to bring me a soda or water or something because, remember, I'm driving. So picture me, curling my hair and having her bring a Rum & Coke (mostly rum with a little Coke) in a BIG GULP size cup.

Did I mention that I am supposed to be the Designated Driver?

Anyway, we finish getting ready and I've taken maybe 4 or 5 sips of this drink. I pass it off on someone else and tell them to finish it. I think it was gone before we left the house 5 minutes later. Anyway, we had a blast that night. It was one of those nights where everyone (but me - driver) was drunk. People were staggering around, giving each other hugs, telling each other "Dude - I love you!!!" or having a moment of recognition when every song came on which was followed by a chorus of "Oh My God!!! I LOVE this song!!!" There were many, many pictures taken from that night, some of which I'm going to keep safely tucked away in case I ever want to bribe someone or need extra money. We gave Caitlin such a good going away party that she decided to stay and party with us for a whole additional 2 and a half months.

I love Caitlin. She's one of those people that I'm so happy to see when I'm out. It's not like it's a surprise when we see each other, because I'm out once a week and she's Yes, we are those stupid girls who upon seeing each other, squeal with delight at such a volume that causes those around us to stop what they are doing to see what the hell is going on. Of course, that is usually followed by the usual drunk "Oh My God - You're HERE!!!!!" We have a blast hanging out together. What's even more fun is dinner at my mother's on Sunday night. She comes every week and I get to see how much fun she had the night before based upon how she's acting at dinner. If she is looking totally hung over and asks for water instead of wine, I know it was one hell of a night. Actually, sometimes I find out before dinner time if she has had a good night. She is guilty of DWI (Dialing While Intoxicated)....a lot. It gives me great pleasure and many laughs to wake up in the morning to find that I have a voicemail from her when she was out without me.

I'm sure that if she had come to dinner the night after our last night out together instead of putting her (still drunk, I'm sure) ass on the plane that morning, it would have been an evening of water with dinner.

Here are a few pictures from the last night:

Caitlin and Shak
Me and Caitlin

Carlin, Caitlin and Crystal

I'll miss you, girl! You'd better get your butt back here in time for our birthdays!!


Blogger Arctic Skipper said...

Okay, I honestly checked the title of your blog to be sure that I hadn't mistakenly stumbled into Internet Limbo instead of onto your blog - you were DD???? SHOCK!!! :P

I don't know why, but it still surprises me when I find out that we have someone else in common. You know Nat and Jerry, so why should it surprise me that you know Shak?? (He's such a goofball!)

I think I remember Caitlin from UAF vball when I was dating Brad. She always seemed really sweet and funny.

Glad you guys had fun!

5:16 PM  

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